The Itch is getting worse

Ok God...what is it?

Lay it on me.

My soul is restless and will not be calmed.

There are needs, so many...where, who, when?

You keep putting ideas in front of me, but no single thing has manifested itself.

Please pull back the veil of how you wish to use me.

What if instead of making under privileged people feel pitied (which I know I personally hate to feel)...we turned it around and started a movement of volunteerism that teaches all people (those in need and those without need) to be volunteers themselves. The idea being that we aren't really the haves and have nots as we've been trained by society to believe, but we are all meaningful in our abilities to give and able to give regardless of what we have (obviously financial giving being at the bottom of the list). How would this change the world if we all felt the empowerment of feeling necessary and viable.