Rain, Rain Go Away...

You would think with the years of drought that preceded us (fearful drought) that I would be nothing but thankful for rain and lots of it. But I'm tired of the dreary days. It's been like this for at least a month. I've forgotten that to get as much as we need means many rainy, winter days. I've forgotten the fear of running out of water only one summer back. I've forgotten to be happy about any of it really. I think the cloud cover is depressing. On Thursday, when it was absolutely beautiful outside, we all went for a run. I felt alive again. I felt like I could have run all afternoon just to be in the sunshine that felt warm on my face. Yesterday was more of that wonderful, beautiful day. I wanted today to be like that, too. But, we awoke to more rain and I just looked out the window and the puddles that won't dry are being sprinkled with new drops even as I type.