
I need to be mushy for a moment. I need to write and feel mushy things about my family, my perfect, amazing family. If you get to choose your heaven when you die, then I will want mine to be to relive our life together from start to finish over and over and over.

I have a new favorite memory of the three of us burned into my mind from yesterday. We had gone downtown for dinner and Clare and I were chasing Mason afterward with something gross looking we found on her sleeve (turned out to be the new glow in the dark play doh we bought her, but it looked like doodoo until I could see it in the light). I was carrying her Superman style, she was trying to grab Mace to "get him", and Mason was really running to avoid getting the goo on him (no, I mean, really running was awesome). The three of us were giggling and laughing and squealing with that kind of giggle and laugh and squeal that you only hear when there is sincere joy being shared. It felt like being a kid again. It was magic. They are magic. I am grateful to know these moments and how they feel.

I hope you find magic in your moments today.