Open Road

I’m going to let you all into my deepest most private thoughts. These are the things I day dream about and they’re pretty simple, but the impact could be so huge. What I need from people reading this blog is that you all hold me accountable – even if you don’t know me personally at all. Check in on me, pester me, and ask me about each of these things no matter who you are. Force me out of my contentment and encourage me to do more than just day dream. Make me get specific. Come out of your blog hiding and change a life. It could be your comment or suggestion that is the break through that I need – can you imagine having that kind of impact? Wouldn’t that make you smile if you knew you’d had that kind of impact? I know I would.

Things I want to do with my life…NOW… not just sometime before I die!

1. I want to be a great Mother and Wife. I want to do this by putting my family first and loving them with all of my heart and making sure that I cultivate a relationship with God that teaches me how to do this the right way. If I fail at this, nothing else on this list will matter.

2. I want to get involved with helping children in need, specifically children who are voiceless. Those who have no one willing to speak for them, care about them, think about them first. I don’t know if that’s abused children, orphan children, foster children, homeless children, or an unknown category that I have yet to be introduced. But I know in my deepest heart that I want to somehow give them a voice and teach us all to collectively care about each one of them in ways they never dreamed they would know.

3. I want to regularly travel the world. I don’t just mean I want to “see the world” for pleasure; I mean I want to go into the world and do what I can to help those in need the best way that I can in any given situation – either financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually…however I can be used to serve those in need. I don’t want it to be for my own gratification (although there are some places I would just like to see for very selfish reasons). I would like to do this as part of my faith, but it doesn’t really matter since I’ll be taking that faith with me no matter how this manifests itself.

4. I want to incorporate my running with these things. I’m not great now and that’s ok to me. I’m just doing it. You know what though? It’s people that are just “doing it” that get things done. I don’t have to wait until I’m amazing at something to be useful. I think that I’ll be good (maybe even great one day) at what I love to do, and I love all of these things so that’s a good start right? I only regret that I waited so late in my life to start thinking this way. I’ve wasted a lot of time thinking “when I get better at ‘XYZ’, then I’ll do ‘ABC’.”

5. I would like to run Marathons to raise money and awareness for #2. (Again, sketchy on the details since I’m doing good to run five miles right now and I’ve never been comfortable asking for anything in my life).

So, there you have it. I have no details. I have no real plan. I just have these five things and honestly that’s a great place to start if you ask me, as long as someone holds me accountable(many someones preferrably) for actually doing them.