Gravity Waves

Last night Mason and I slept through the horrible storms that wreaked havoc throughout the state and really the south in general. Essentially it was mayhem all around us this morning except for our little pocket of crazy, which seemed quite normal. I would even go so far as to say, it was a nice, calm morning here. We had coffee. It was good. In fact, I got a whole cup of coffee down before itty bitty woke up (no joke). It wasn't until we turned on our car radios and headed out that we heard (and saw) what we'd missed.

We slept like babies through it all. You want to know why? It's very simple, we're the parents of a 2 1/2 year old who finally slept through the night (for once). She slept through this particular night, when no one else was sleeping...creepy, and yet deliciously satisfying.

Want to know why creepy - the storms from last night were caused by gravity waves. What? Because I totally scratched my head with this one as I don't remember discussing this alongside Cumulonimbus clouds.

The child finally sleeps through the night and we have monumental, earth shattering, weird gravitationally described weather. That's my girl