What I meant was...

I'm sitting on the couch with my birthday princess crown upon my head, telling princess stories about how amazing my hair is and how wonderful the world is because I believe in puppies and stars and world peace. All of this is a very elaborate and melodramatic tale that I am weaving (in jest), but Clare is all eyes and ears. Suddenly, to my right, the peanut gallery in the chair (a.k.a. Daddy) groans out the word 'Baaarrrrfff' as he rolls his eyes. At that moment, Clare looks at me with wide eyes and excitedly belts out,


We just died laughing - her comedic timing is perfection for an "almost" three year old. Even better (as I gasped for air), she started oinking like a pig and barking like a dog and mooing like a cow. She'd missed the adult reference and thought Daddy was making animal noises.

Misperception is so much funnier than reality.