Oh my, I love my mother.

Email reponse to me from my mother about how divisive all of this has become. I'm so lucky...so, so lucky...to have her balance to turn to when trying to understand how to approach all of this election stuff. Note, my mother was a nurse for 23 years in some capacity whether on the floor, in the operating room, as a teacher of other nurses or as a hospital administrator for the Veterans Administration. She went back to school to get her Doctorate of Jurisprudence when I was in college and now practices law full time and has for ten years. She's worked my entire life and raised me to be extremely self sufficient and independent. She does more pro-bono work than probably any other person I know so I respect her and she respects me, but we are not on the same side of the fence on the issues in this election)

Momma's Response that we probably all need to remember:
I have personally found that people get very "adamant" about their beliefs at times, and when they care about someone, they may come across TOO strongly or even angry to try and "save" someone from being mislead by the circumstances.

Just remember that these politicians don't care who you are like your friends and family do. It is a job for the politician...they ALL want the same thing but view different ways to get there. Many if not ALL will lie and twist things to get in and NONE of them do what they promise. They are "used car salesmen" and sometimes they are sell you on a good deal and sometimes it turns into a "lemon" but that doesn't mean everything is going to be a good deal or everything is going to be a lemon.

You can not ever believe the media full face because they are ALL biased towards one side or another, some more so than others. Your friends and family don't treat you like that to get your friendship...we love each other because of who we are not what we want to sell you on. It's nice to have friends and family where you can express yourself without the fear of losing them. I will bet (using only my experience) that in 5-10 years everyone will look back and wonder why they felt that strongly and how silly it was to let it influence their relationships over something that they really did not have complete ownership.

I feel very strong about somethings but unless I have actually experienced it or I am experiencing it now it just is not worth the cost of a loved on or friend. I have opinions about all the issues but I have never had to live with having an abortion myself so ...no experience though I have assisted with them. Some I agreed wholeheartedly and others were an abomination; I have never had a mentally or physically deficient child ...so no experience but I have cared for them and they offer a lot in and of themselves; I have worked in the medical field and know what advances can be reached for and that there are many, many ways to get there, and some are better than others. Just because it seems faster does not make it better...it's just the lazy way to address something and make a quick buck.
I have never been a factory union worker but I have been laid off from work twice so I do have that experience; I have had problems getting good healthcare and insurance...so experienced there; I had have to deal with and been an active member of the education system as a student, as a mother, as an educator, as administration, and as researcher...I have strong opinions about it and know that the government is not going to EVER be able to fix it...it has to be fixed by the education system itself or it won't be fixed. Throwing money after bad is the lazyman's way to address the system and they need long-term permanent fixes.
I can always imagine what if but until or unless someone has been there they never really know what solution is best in that situation.

I know you feel strongly about things and so do others...I hope we can all get each other enough latitude to express ourselves and still not let it harm relationships.

I love you:)