Do you smell something?

My 2 ½ year old daughter’s only reference point for something smelling bad is “poopy”. Lately, this is providing unlimited entertainment opportunities. Last week, she and her daddy were playing with him in close proximity to her face. They were laughing, it was late in the day, and he must have breathed on her. As the story goes, she looks at him, wrinkles up her nose and says to him, “Daddy, your breath smells like poopy.” I am still laughing about this.
Fast forward to Saturday.
Same two characters (dad and daughter).
Clare’s been playing outside all day. She smells like Coppertone and sweaty kid. Daddy leans in to kiss her neck and says to her, “ooh, you stink!” Again, as the story goes, she recoiled from him with a look of disgust and says “nuh uh. I don’t stink. You…you…you have poopy on your lips!” I’ve laughed so hard at this one that I had tears streaming the sides of my face.
I’m really not sure how long this will go on, but it happened again this morning. She and I were on our way to school and out of nowhere she says to me, “Mommy, daddy has poopy on his lips.” Of course, I just died laughing and I’m trying to tell her, “Please don’t say this stuff at school, there is no telling what your teachers will think.” Then, she looks at me and says, “Well, Molly has poopy on her teeth, she stinks very bad. She must eat poopy when she’s outside” Then she starts laughing this really loud, forced laugh to go along with it.
I almost wrecked my car, I was laughing so hard. Then I started to have the imaginary conversation with the police officer as to why I had the wreck and explaining the poopy and basically got stuck in an endless loop of laughing, which was making Clare laugh her forced laugh harder, and me laugh harder and she just started saying “poopy” and I just laughed more…it was a riot.
If you had asked me three years ago if there was anything funny about poop, I would have given you a look of disgust and sworn that the stuff wouldn’t ever become the topic of conversation in our house. Now, it’s freaking hysterical. Go figure. I love the transformation that has allowed me not to take myself so seriously!

(I think I love this because I know that there will come a day when I will tell this story and still laugh, and she will look at me with disgust and wonder why I keep telling that same old story time and time again because it really isn't even funny)